Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Osprey | Hunter

TIDE | San Diego : : 5.6 high @ 10:39am and a 0.3 low at 6:22pm | Sea Temperature 61°
Moon Phase : :  Last Quarter |  Fuel : : 1.762 gallons @ $3.97 a gallon = $7.01

osprey |ˈäsprā; -prē|   aka fish hawk
noun ( pl. -preys)
Osprey's are fishing birds and can be seen hovering above the water searching for prey. They search for fish while flying 30-100 feet above the water. Once they have spotted their prey, they hover, then fold their wings, descend quickly into the water feet first. Strong, curved talons and specialized spines on the bottoms of their feet help them hold onto the slippery fish. If they catch the fish, they quickly take off, and will re-arrange the fish in its talons so the fish faces head first, thus presenting a more streamlined profile facing forward into the wind. Then they fly to a perch to devour it. Sometimes the talons lock into place when a heavy fish is grabbed and can only be released when the fish is pushed against a hard surface.
Ospreys can’t swim and have been known to drown, especially if they get their talons stuck in too large a fish and can’t take off
+ I am magnetized towards Salt Water and all it has to offer. Surf, Solitude, Sustenance… I truly feel lucky to have more time these last few years to be surrounded by all its glory. Its hard to describe in words watching a Osprey descending out of the sky at full speed and pluck a 20 inch fish off the top of the water 5 feet away from you.

The fish was so big the Osprey had to temporally land on a nearby piling. I followed them in my boat and was able to snap off a few photos while it devoured its meal. Out of all the bass I caught today none of them were as big as the one the Osprey grabbed.
.................................................................................................................................................................................................5 Spotted Bass, 1 Calico Bass,  2 Sand Bass {kept 1 sand bass for dinner, 18inch 2.5lbs)
Stomach Contents : : large 2inch stone crab

{ H y b r i d   |  M o m e n t s }  I made a half fly half plastic curly tail grub. I set it up on a high low rig with a 3inch swim bait on the bottom and the fly as a teaser on top. The fly floated above the swim bait as a reeled it across the eel grass flats. I felt the first initial bite and then half way in I got a second hit from the follower bass.

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